JS Elite Fitness

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This One Thing Could Be Killing Your Progress & Happiness

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Picture this:

You committed to taking action and making a change. 

You started making positive changes to your lifestyle and implementing good habits. 

You are exercising regularly.

You are managing your nutrition.

You are making sure you’re hydrated. 

You are prioritising sleep. 

You are making great progress. 

You notice the number on the scales are starting to go down. 

You notice your clothes are starting to fit better. 

You’ve started feeling more energetic throughout the day. 

Then, you see someone in person or someone you follow online share part of their journey, maybe a progress photo, and you start comparing yourself to them. 

You lose sight of how much you have already achieved and start thinking it’s not enough. 

You compare your progress to theirs and start questioning your progress and what you are doing. In return, this could potentially lead to a knock in confidence or worse, self-sabotage. 

If you are guilty of doing this, then stop. 

As Theodore Roosevelt once said…Comparison Is The Thief Of Joy.

Everyone is on their journey and have different stories, backgrounds and start points. The moment you start comparing yourself to others is the moment you feel like what you have achieved isn’t good enough. 

And for as long as you do this, you will never be pleased with your progress.

Focus less on what others are doing and focus only on yourself.

Aim to be 1% better than you were yesterday.

When you have this shift in mindset, you will genuinely be happy with the progress you are making. 

If you’d like to have a personalised plan of action created for you to guarantee results over the next 90 days, then click below to apply for my highly rated online coaching programme.

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