4 Tips To Help You Get Back On Track In January

Christmas and the new year have been and are now officially over… 

How are you currently feeling? 

  • Did you fall off track?

  • Overindulge?

  • Do you lack energy?

  • Are you struggling to get back into the swing of things?

If this sounds like you then I can assure you, you are not the only one. I know how it feels, it feels like we have undone our hard work and we question ourselves why we should continue, and that one last binge won’t hurt.

However, this usually turns into a vicious cycle that you can’t get out of, making it even harder for you to get back on track.

In reality, the damage you would have done comes down to the scale of how much you have overindulged. The sooner you can get back on track, the better.

So how can you get back on track and into a routine?


Not tomorrow! Not Monday! Start now! It is too easy to find an excuse not to start, how many times have you used the reason ‘I will start on Monday’?  When working with clients, I always tell them to start right now, the sooner you get started, the better.


If you have overindulged and gained weight, the chances are some of that weight will be water retention. Don’t panic and cut calories drastically - this will only lead to an unsustainable approach, leading to another binge. Instead, drop calories slightly, make better food choices, and introduce higher nutrients and satiating foods. From this point, monitor your progress and adjust accordingly. Focus on being in a calorie deficit by 200-300 calories per day and do this for 2-3 weeks to allow your body to get back into the groove of things. Don’t be tempted by all of the extremely low-calorie diets and avoid doing any detoxes as your body can cleanse itself through the liver. 


When it comes to training, if you have been out of the game for a while, going straight back into training 5-6 times per week with the same intensity as you did before your time off can potentially lead you to feel tired, sore and run down. Feeling like this can affect your new mindset, motivation and enjoyment for training. Instead, start with 3-4 (45-60 minute) weight sessions per week, and as the weeks progress, look to increase the overall volume of your sessions.


Focus on creating a daily routine, such as when you wake up, when you train, when you have your meals, when you work, when you have family time, when you have time for yourself and when you go to bed. People underestimate the importance of routine. Having a routine in place makes your day-to-day living so much easier as you already know what you are going to be doing and when. Not only does this eliminate stress to a degree, but it also helps with adherence.

There you have it, four quick tips you can implement to help you get back on track and started straight away. 

To help you out further, I have created ‘The Ultimate Fat Loss Guide’, a complete roadmap of the steps you need to take to achieve sustainable fat loss results and get in amazing shape.

You can download your copy now for free by clicking here: